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Oct 07, 2017

-10/8/2017 and 10/14/2017 - 10/15/2017

2017 Boulder Open Studios - Studio 102

Join me in my studio (in my home) to see where I work and all the luscious supplies I have.  I'll be demonstrating my processes throughout the day for anyone interested.  I will have lots of art for sale as well of course.  I'm studio 102 on the map.

Dec 01, 2017

6:00PM - 9:00 PM

I will be showing and selling my acrylic abstract artwork at Settembre Cellars tasting room in NOBO.  Please stop by for a taste of my art (pun intended).  I'll be there to answer questions until 8:00.

Nov 30, 2017

through 01/30/2018

My acrylic abstract (mostly) art will be hanging at Settembre Cellars tasting room in NOBO.  Please stop by for a taste of my art (pun intended).  Check Settembre Cellars website at for hours as they change - typically open 1:00 to 6:00 Thursday through Sunday.  Be sure to try out their wonderful selection of wines made right there.

Jan 01, 2018

- 2/27/2018 Pastel art hanging at KGNU offices in Boulder

Beautifying the local public radio station

One person show at KGNU of my pastel art works.  Stop by the office at 4700 Walnut Street in Boulder to take a peek.  

Mar 02, 2018

through 3/30/2018 - Show at Acorn Gallery in Lakewood CO


I have 2 pieces hanging.  The show has many examples of good abstract art.  Stop by and enjoy.  Right next to Casa Bonita.

Mar 09, 2018

through 4/7/2018 - Art show in Longmont CO

Come see my figurative paintings in person

through April 7th.  Longmont Artist Guild member show at the Great Frame Up on Main Street.  I have 3 acrylic paintings hanging.  It's a good quality show for your enjoyment.

May 04, 2018

Through July 7th - Group of plein air painters from Boulder/Longmont area

Plein Air Painters group show - Reception May 11 (5:00-9:00)

Wonderful art at the Great Frame Up in Longmont Colorado on Main Street.  It will be a great show with many different media.  Many pieces will have been painted en plein air (on location) around the area.  There will be oils, watercolors, pastels, and photographs by a variety of excellent artists from the Boulder/Longmont area.  Come join us for the opening - May 11th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.  There will be hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided.  Augustine’s Winery will serve wine during the Opening for a nominal charge of $4.00 per glass.  

Mar 02, 2018

- 4/1/2018 - First Congregational Church

NOBO Winter Show

1128 Pine St.  A very nice selection of NOBO artist's work is hanging for the month of March.  Call artists directly to purchase.

Mar 02, 2018

- 4/30/2018 - First United Methodist Church

NOBO Winter Show - part 2

1421 Spruce St.  A very nice selection of NOBO artist's work is hanging for the months of March and April.  Call artists directly to purchase.

May 02, 2018

through 7/31/2018

Driven to Abstraction - group show

Fabulous group show of 5 great NOBO artists.   In the beautiful Boulder First United Methodist Church at 1421 Spruce Street.  The show will be hanging through the end of July.  Come to our artist meet and greet on the June First Friday - Friday, June 1st from 6:00 to 9:00.  The church office hours - during which you can also stop by to see the art are 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday each week.  I have 6 of my larger abstract paintings for your enjoyment.

Mar 28, 2018

through May

One Woman Show - Danish Furniture Store in Longmont

I have a nice display of my artwork at the Danish Furniture Store in Longmont.  It is in the back area of the store.  Ask someone to point you in the right direction (It's a big store with lots of regular artists as well.)

Jun 01, 2018

- 6/30/2018

Plein Air Painting show in Littleton

A large group of talented artists (including me) painted all over Littleton Colorado from May 30 to June 1.  The results are hanging at the Depot Art Gallery in Littleton until the end of June.  It's a great show!

Jun 08, 2018

- 6/10/2018 - Amazing group of artists work hanging

Rembrandt Yard - Fabulous Boulder County only paintings

Come to the opening Friday, June 8, 2o18 at the Rembrandt Yard Gallery - across the street from the Boulderado Hotel in downtown Boulder.  A large group of artists - many local, some from other parts of the US got together this week and painted all over Boulder County.  The results are amazing!!!

Jun 06, 2018

- 6/10/2018 Boulder County Fairgrounds show

I won a prize!!

Well, I won a prize I'm told!  I don't know what prize though.  Join me Friday evening (June 8 from 6:00 to 8:00) to find out and see my art along with a lot of other wonderful art.  The Longmont Artists' Guild and the St. Vrain Photographic Society combined their member shows together this year to make a really wonderful show full of great photos, paintings and sculptures.  Hope you can stop by.

Feb 01, 2019

5:00 to 8:00 at the Niwot Inn

Niwot CO 1st Friday February

I'll be showing some new pastel works including one of the Colorado river, one of the Oregon coastline and several from the local Niwot and Boulder CO area.

Mar 01, 2019

5:00 to 8:00 Colorado Landmark Real Estate

March Niwot 1st Friday

I will be showing a wider range of my creativity at this show.  I'll have some felt items, abstract paintings, pours, mixed media and what not.

Apr 01, 2018


pARTiculars Gallery

You can check out my pastel work anytime in person at the pARTiculars Gallery and classroom at 401 South Public Road in Lafayette CO. 

Jul 19, 2019

7 artists - all different mediums

Come to our artists reception and meet all the artist members from pARTiculars Gallery and Teaching Studio at 401 Public Road in Lafayette CO.

POP Gallery downtown Boulder Now through September 30

Boulder Plein Air Fest Show

I participated in the Boulder Plein Air Festival this spring along with many other talented artists.  Some of the work is hanging at the new temporary POP Gallery on the Pearl Street Mall in the former Old Chicago building at the corner of 11th and Pearl.  Come check it out and find a beautiful piece of plain air art for your home or as a gift.

Sep 02, 2019

Louisville CO

Labor Day Festival art venue

I'll have a tent and lots of my acrylic art to choose from.  Including abstract, pours, resin, coasters,...  Be sure to stop by.

Sep 06, 2019

6:00 - 9:00

First Friday Festivities - ART, ART and more ART

I will be hanging my art at 4929 Broadway Unit E (behind Wapos Restaurant - great Mexican food!!) for this 10th anniversary celebration of NOBO!  Come join the fun!  

Jan 04, 2020

through February - Plein Air group show at pARTiculars Art Gallery and Teaching Studio in Lafayette

There is nothing plain about Plein Air

A group of Plein Air painters that paints together each Thursday (regardless of weather) in the Boulder/Longmont area have a great selection of art on display for the full month of January and February.  It was a juried show.  I have a couple paintings hanging.  This is also a gallery that I show in on a regular basis.  Come check it out!

Jan 18, 2020

I currently have a one woman show at the Ace Storage facility in North Boulder.

Ace Storage is a great place to buy art!

I'll have art hanging there for at least another month.  Come check it out!  Many of my abstract and some quite large!  Easy to buy...just give me a call on my cell phone and we can complete the transaction right then and there!

Mar 01, 2020

through the end of April - Group show

Gallery is closed temporarily - until further notice

Design Divas do Pattern and Texture  Member's group show of all new works featuring pattern and texture.  My work focuses on texture and includes fun and colorful new abstract pieces that I've been loving working on.  The piece on the homepage is an example of the work presented.   

Apr 17, 2020

Design Divas will be all decked out

Gallery is closed temporarily - until further notice

Though the show for the "Design Divas" will be up all through the month of March and April, you will have a chance to meet us all at this reception night.  Come meet us, have some wine and munchies and chat us up.  We love to discuss our art, each other's art, your art, and many other topics as well.  We are an eclectic group and fun to hang out with.

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Boulder, CO 80301 

 Tel: (720)900-6077

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